Monday, January 18, 2016

Investigating Genres

Genre chosen: Video Essay
  1. What purpose(s) does this genre usually serve?
  • Video Essays are used to present and analyze information researched on a certain subject of interest that can be visually displayed for viewers to watch and learn from. This format allows people to explore English composition in a different way other than reading tons of text over the course of numerous pages. The essay is "brought to life" by visually showing and connecting the topic with video clips and other video platforms that can be formed into one video and be presented to others. 
     2. Where, how, or in what context do readers usually find this genre?
  • It is not actually readers that will find this genre. It is the "viewers" that will explore this genre. Viewers can find this genre on almost any video/film source available to the public. It can be sources such as YouTube, Google Video, a news page, etc. 
     3. Who is the typical audience for this genre?
  • The audience for a video essay would be viewers that want to explore a topic or discussion on a certain subject in a visual form while still listening to a dictation. These can be students, professors, employees in a business, and so on. The audience will be viewers who can engage themselves, possibly even connect, with what they are viewing and hearing about a certain subject. 
     4. What are some the key features or characteristics that are unique to this genre, distinguishing it  from other texts?
  • The visual media platform is a key feature to this genre that makes it unique. It is not like other genres where the work is displayed in text format and the individual has to read from left to right for pages and pages. Rather, the video essay is a video that people can watch but also hear the information being presented as well.
     5. Based on your answers to the questions above, come up with a definition in your own words for this genre.
  • Video Essay: a work that is done using a visual (movie) format to present and analyze information about a certain subject.

I commented on Tim Wils's blog and Emily Bond's blog. I learned that a podcast is an opinionated and factual form of media that is audio-exclusive. I also learned that they are extremely simple and informal. I felt very informed about podcasts because as I told Tim in a post, I did not consider podcasts as something I would use. In Emily's post, I learned that quick reference guides are short news articles about contemporary subjects. I did not know what a reference blog was, so again I felt informed by her blog. From the two blogs, I feel that since I read the information about new genres in English, I will be better prepared for the major projects when it comes to choosing my genre. To be honest, I'm excited to do a podcast.

Comment on Tim's blog:
Comment on Emily's blog: 


  1. I find this post about video essays to be extremely accurate. I also wrote about video essays and we agree on essentially every part. I especially agree with you when you stated that video essays are a much more engaging and entertaining way to gain information. The audience doesn't have to sit down and read a five page report, they can just watch a five minute video essay that displays the same information. I find this post to be very professional because of both the format and the content. Therefore, I don't think you need to edit any part of this post.

  2. Arun,

    Now that I have read your post on video essays, I also now realize that I have seen video essays in much more of my daily life than I originally gave credit for. These are simply just videos that are tied together to express or analyze a certain idea, with many of these videos existing on sites like YouTube. In fact, many video essays are the content to which I am subscribed to on that site. This post definitely helped me understand just how close video essays are close to the norm in terms of a genre in this digital age.
