Monday, January 25, 2016

Evaluation of New York Times Stories

The New York Times Reports

The New York Times has multiple sections within its news that readers can search and become acquainted with. This post is about two separate stories that the New York Times reported. Each of the stories deals with some type of controversy. 

Story #1: Lawsuits Claim Disney Colluded to Replace U.S. Workers With Immigrants by Julia Preston

In this story, the main characters are Mr. Leo Perrero and Ms. Dena Moore. They are the center of the story because they were both laid off by the famous entertainment company, Disney, and replaced by immigrant workers to do their jobs. Despite their high performance ratings, they were not rehired and have now filed lawsuits against the company and two of its partners, HCL and Cognizant.

This specific event takes place in the United States on the east coast. The main setting for this event is in Florida where the Disney amusement park is located. The Disney park is a tourist hot spot for visitors from around the globe and is where many people come to work to create a safe, fun, and entertaining destination within our country.

The major disagreement is between Disney and the two workers that were laid off. They disagree on the issue that Disney conspired to have these workers train immigrants who would then take their jobs and leave the former Disney workers unemployed. Leo Perrero, Dena Moore, Disney, HCL, Cognizant, and the Tampa Court are the major participants in this controversy. The debate is whether or not Disney was at fault for laying off workers to hire immigrants for cheaper pay.

Lee, Peter. "Jedi Mickey vs. Darth Gonzo" July 1, 2009 via flickr. Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic License.

Story #2: Donald Trump Means Business in Iowa: Night in Motel, and a Day in Church by Maggie Haberman

In this story, the main character is Donald Trump. Donald Trump is a famous real estate businessman who is currently running for the 2016 Presidential Election. He is the center of the story because he spent a night in a motel (unlike a normal Trump) and spent the day in a church in Iowa talking to local residents.

These specific events take place in Muscatine, Iowa in a Holiday Inn Express and at a local church. These settings are not typical settings for Donald Trump to be present in. He wants to win Iowa, so he decided to be a "middle-class" American for a day to show his aggression in wanting to win the state. He attended a service and learned about humility in church and spent the night in a normal room at the Holiday Inn Express.

There is no debate or disagreement in this particular story. However, one might debate whether or not Trump really cared about being in that church, or if he really wanted to stay in that room at the Holiday Inn Express.

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